ALL GOA MATHEMATICS TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION is a subject teachers’ association, first of its kind in Goa, founded by a few devoted teachers on 30th January 1983 and registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1960.
AGMTA aims at:
·         Improving the teaching-learning process of mathematics
·         Encouraging systematic mathematics development in the State of Goa and solving various problems faced by teachers in the teaching of mathematics.
·         Inculcating and fostering a sense of love and interest in mathematics among the

Regular activities of’ the Association:

I) Mathematics Competitive  Test (MCT)
This All Goa level written test is conducted for Std VII, VIII, IX and X in the month of December. The test is simultaneously held in nine different centres namely Pednem, Bardez, Tiswadi, Marmagoa,, Ponda, Bicholim ,Salcete.Curchorem and Canacona..Students from more than 100 schools appear for this Test. The whole hearted co- operation of our taluka incharges, head of the institutions, and teachers make this a highly popular and successful activity. The results of the test is declared on our website and individual mark sheets are posted to every school.
The cash prizes, Mementos and certificate are given to first twenty merit rank holders in each standard.

II) Mathematics Seminar

The All Goa Mathematics Seminar conducted for Student of std IX, first at three Zones namely North zone, Central zone and South zone. Winners from each zone compete at The State Level Mathematics Seminar.
In this Seminar Students give talks of seven minutes duration supported by charts, models and PowerPoint presentation on the given topic of mathematics. This helps the child to understand the concepts in Mathematics and enrich their Knowledge in the subject. It is a real joy to watch the students explaining some Mathematics principles answering the questions fired by a panel of three competent judges from the field of mathematics

III) Mathematics Quiz
This All Goa level Quiz is first conducted at State Level. School team of 3 students; one each from Std. VIII, IX & X. They face first a written test. Top scorer five teams are selected for oral Quiz.

Other activities conducted:

When there was a change in the Syllabus, our Association conducted Orientation courses for the teachers in various talukas with the guidance and co-operation the State Council for Educational Research and Training.
'ALL India Workshop on Innovative methods of teaching of Mathematics, was successfully organised at Ramnathi, Goa, in the year 1992. About 100 Mathematics; teachers from Goa and other parts of the country attended the same, Resource persons from AMTI guided the teachers attending the workshop.

 Association conducted XXVI All India level Mathematics Teachers’ conference, first of its kind in Goa, on 24th, 25th and 26th January, 1992. About 100 teachers from Goa and other parts of the country attended the same. The conference was named after Prof. B. V. Singbal, a great Goan Mathematician.
It was jointly organised by AMTI, AGMTA and SCERT Goa.

Members of AGMTA are taking active interest and are always ready to take up successfully such challenges in the field of Education.